Wednesday, February 2, 2011

If you don't have anything nice to say...

Then don't blog anything at all?? Well that wouldn't be following through.
I eat horribly today. Bad, just bad. I had high hopes, but breakfast started off bad and then it was just a domino effect from there. The worst of it was that I finished the ho-hum brownies. One of my goals yesterday specifically said I was not to finish them! I should have just thrown those stupid brownies away.

As Scarlet says "After all... tomorrow is another day." I'm tired and grumpy and the boy is going to wake up soon, so I'm going to wrap up this joy-fest.

Goals for tomorrow:
Eat within my points
Finish cleaning my house
Drink more water

My sweet boy's smile
My warm bed
That Spring is around the corner
That I am able to make positive changes in my life
The love of my family and friends


  1. Always the throw the Brownies away!! I can't be trusted with stuff like that in my house!! You'll have a better day today Dee. Love you!

  2. There are worse things, Alisa! Today will be terrific!

  3. Food is my frenemy...don't beat yourself up about it...just focus on today. :)

  4. I can't wait to see you all on Sunday!!!!! We got the car and I am so happy!
