Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Enough with the SNOW already!

So no weigh in tonight. UGH. This is the third week in a row that I have not been able to go to WW. I missed the first two because I was in NM and now the snow. Hopefully I'll be able to go to a meeting tomorrow.

About today, I went over my points a smidge. I knew I would and made a conscious decision to make my favorite sandwich and eat not half of it but the whole thing. Whatev. I tracked it, and it costed me quite a few points, but it was worth it.

This going to be another short blog, I'm pretty tired and the boy is going to wake up soon. Good night!

Goals are pretty much the same for tomorrow:
Eat well
Drink water
Have faith


  1. I hate this weather. Spring feels so far away.

  2. I'm so glad I'm still home with the baby and not having to shovel a path to my car twice a week! The only bad thing is I rarely get out because I don't want to take the baby out in this weather.
