Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good Things

Luca went to the doctor today to check on his milk sensitivity... and he doing really well! My dairy free diet has paid off. Hopefully he will outgrow this sensitivity by 9 months, then I think I will bathe in macaroni and cheese while drinking a vanilla milk shake. Oh how I miss you dairy, but I am very happy that Luca's little system is back to normal.
I stayed within my points today with 2 points to spare. I tracked everything I eat as well. Still struggling with finding the time to exercise, but as Luca settles more into a day time nap schedule I think I will have more opportunities.
Drinking more water, for whatever reason I did not get to 8, but at least I feel hydrated.
Tomorrow is WW... dun dun dunnnnnn. I'll let you know the results.


  1. Yay! Great day for Mommy! Good luck tomorrow :-) We'll be routing for ya!

  2. Awesome! I forgot to mention this idea for you about drinking more water. Why don't you commit to measuring out 1 cup of water and just drinking that every 90 minutes?
