Monday, February 21, 2011

Ay ya ya

I haven't blogged in several days, mostly because I just didn't want to. I also haven't wanted to track or eat reasonably either. Today I felt like I might want to get back into things. The +2 lbs really threw me off. Rather than being motivated by it and saying "Yeah, I'm going to show those 2 lbs GRRRR!" Then like head butt something. Instead, I made another freaking Duncan Hines cake. But honestly, I'm okay with it.

I'm also re-evaluating my WW status. The meetings are just not me. I don't go to them, so basically I'm just paying for weigh-ins. So I think I'm going to adjust my WW plan to just online. I still really see the value with the tracking app on my phone, so I'll need to pay for the e-tools, but I will just weigh myself from home.

I still have no idea if I'm going back to work in mid April. I'm really hoping that things just become clear to me soon. I'm super conflicted and it's just not an easy decision to make. I really want to be home with my boy. I love our time together. But, I also know how hard it will be to give up having financial freedom and a career.

So goals for tomorrow:
Eat reasonably
Take my vitamins
Drink more water
Straighten my hair

Being home with my boy for the first 6 months of his precious life
Making new friends
Fun with old friends
Conan... I have loved his show for forever
That I don't eat cigarette ashes or laundry detergent... have you seen this show??? It's just gross. All these "hording" and "weird addiction" shows are so exploitive.


  1. Keep moving forward Alisa. Everyday is a day to do better. :-) I'm sure clarity will come about work. You'll make the right decision at the right time.

  2. I say stay home! If it is deep in your heart and you guys can make it work, even if its with beans and macaroni, do it! You can always go back to having a career. Follow your heart.

  3. Thanks Taree. I'm really leaning that way, now I'm just trying to figure out how to make that happen.
